17 High-Protein Vegan Snack Ideas On The Go

Whether you’re a seasoned vegan, dipping your toes into plant-based eating, or simply a protein-pursuer in search of quick, healthy snacks, we’ve got the most delectable suggestions for you!

This compilation of 17 high-protein vegan snack ideas is set to invigorate your daily routine with tantalizing flavors and a powerful protein punch.

Easy to prepare and even easier to carry, these snacks don’t compromise your busy schedule or your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

high protein vegan snack ideas

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Homemade trail mix

A homemade trail mix with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit is a great high-protein vegan snack that packs a nutrient-dense punch.

It’s so good for you because it’s rich in fiber, healthy fats, and protein.

Make a big batch and portion it out into sealable bags for a quick grab-and-go snack option.

Depending on the types of nuts and seeds you use, you could get as much protein as 8 grams per serving!

Keep in mind, though, that nuts and seeds are naturally high in fat and thus have more calories than other plant-based snacks.

You don’t want to overdo it on trail mix.

But making your own at home will be much better for you than storebought.

Here’s how to make a quick homemade trail mix:

  • Gather your ingredients – nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and anything else you’d like to include.
  • Toast the nuts and seeds in a dry skillet for a few minutes until lightly browned and fragrant.
  • Once cooled, combine all of the ingredients together in a large bowl (the ratio is up to you!).
  • Divide into individual servings and store in sealed containers or zip-top bags for easy grab-and-go snacking!

RELATED: 17 Fat-Burning Plant Based Foods That Are Absolutely Delicious


Roasted chickpeas

roasted chickpeas recipe

Roasted chickpeas seasoned with your favorite spices are a crunchy, savory snack that is high in protein and fiber.

One cup of chickpeas has around 15 grams of protein, making it the perfect filling treat for your midday cravings.

You can make them at home with canned or dried chickpeas, and they’ll keep well in an airtight container.

All you have to do to make quick and easy roasted chickpeas is:

Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas.

Spread them on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Take them out, drizzle them with olive oil, add your favorite spices (try paprika, garlic powder, and cumin), and return to the oven for an additional 10 minutes or until crispy.

And voila!

You have the perfect high-protein vegan snack that you can make in no time.

RELATED: 17+ Low-Carb Snacks That Go With ANY Diet Plan


Apple slices with almond butter

Apple slices with almond butter spread on top is a classic snack that never gets old.

Not only is it delicious, but it’s also high in protein and healthy fats from the almond butter.

A medium-sized apple has about 4 grams of fiber and less than 100 calories, making it a nutritious and satisfying option for on-the-go snacking.

To make this even more convenient, you can pre-slice your apples and store them in a small container or baggie with a dollop of almond butter on top.

This way, you can grab it and go whenever you need a quick and nutritious snack.

RELATED: 17+ Sweet Vegan Snacks That You Will Absolutely Love


Edamame beans

Edamame beans sprinkled with sea salt or your favorite seasoning are another high-protein vegan snack that is perfect for when you’re on the go.

With 14 grams of protein and just 1 gram of net carbs per ounce, they make for a crunchy and flavorful snack that is quite good for you!

Here are a few ways to enjoy edamame:

 RELATED: “Where Do You Get Your Protein?” (A Plant-Based Guide)


Homemade energy balls

high protein energy balls

Homemade energy balls made with oats, nut butter, and sometimes protein powder are a convenient and satisfying snack to take on-the-go.

They’re easy to make, customizable, and packed with protein and healthy fats.

Simply mix rolled oats, nut butter of your choice, protein powder, honey or maple syrup for sweetness, and any other desired mix-ins (chocolate chips, dried fruit, etc.).

Roll into bite-sized balls and store in the fridge for a quick and energizing snack at any time.

RELATED: High-Protein Vegan Energy Balls


Avocado toast

Avocado toast on whole-grain bread is a quick and easy high-protein vegan snack that can be enjoyed on-the-go.

Avocado is not only rich in healthy fats but also contains a good amount of protein, making it a nutritious and satisfying option.

Simply toast your bread, mash half an avocado on top, and add any desired toppings such as sliced tomatoes or a sprinkle of hemp seeds for extra protein.


Quinoa salad

Quinoa salad with vegetables and a lemon-tahini dressing is a great high-protein snack to pack for a long day out.

Quinoa is a complete protein and combined with vegetables, it provides a well-rounded and nutritious snack option.

Cook quinoa according to package instructions, chop up your favorite vegetables (such as cucumbers, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes), and mix with the quinoa.

Drizzle with a simple dressing made from lemon juice, tahini, and a pinch of salt.

Store in an airtight container and enjoy wherever your busy day takes you.


Hummus and veggies

classic homemade hummus

Hummus is a classic high-protein vegan snack that can be easily taken on-the-go by pairing it with some fresh vegetables.

Not only does hummus provide protein from the chickpeas, but it also contains healthy fats and fiber to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

Choose your favorite veggies to dip such as carrots, celery, bell peppers, or cucumber for a nutritious and portable snack.

For added convenience, pre-pack individual servings of hummus in small containers or grab a pre-made individual pack at the store.


Tofu or tempeh skewers

Tofu or tempeh skewers marinated in soy sauce and grilled make for a delicious and high-protein snack option that can be enjoyed hot or cold. 

Simply cube your desired protein (tofu or tempeh), marinate in soy sauce, and thread onto skewers with your favorite vegetables such as bell peppers and mushrooms.

Grill until cooked through or bake in the oven for an easy, portable snack.


Vegetable sushi rolls

Vegetable sushi rolls filled with high-protein ingredients like tofu or edamame are a great option for a filling and nutritious snack.

You can make your own rolls at home with ingredients such as brown rice, avocado, cucumber, and your choice of protein.

Pack them up in individual containers or wrap them in foil for an easy on-the-go snack.


Roasted sweet potato wedges

Roasted sweet potato wedges with a side of black bean dip make for a tasty and high-protein snack that can be eaten hot or cold.

Sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients, including protein, and provide a deliciously sweet and satisfying flavor.

Pair them with a black bean dip made from mashed black beans, spices, and a touch of lime juice for an extra boost of protein.

Here’s an easy recipe for black bean dip:

vegan plant based black bean dip appetizer

Mash 1 can of rinsed black beans with a fork or potato masher.

Add in desired spices such as cumin, chili powder, and garlic powder to taste.

Stir in a squeeze of lime juice and mix well.

Serve with roasted sweet potato wedges for a protein-packed snack on the go.

RELATED:  Smooth & Creamy Vegan Black Bean Dip


Chia pudding

Chia pudding is a great option for a high-protein snack that can be made ahead of time and enjoyed on the go.

Simply mix together chia seeds, your choice of milk (such as almond or coconut), and a sweetener like honey or maple syrup.

Let it sit in the fridge for a few hours or overnight to thicken, then top with your favorite toppings like fresh fruit, nuts, or granola for added protein and flavor.

Here’s a simple chia pudding recipe to try:

In a small mason jar or container, mix together 1/4 cup of chia seeds with 3/4 cup of almond milk.

Stir in 1 tablespoon of honey or maple syrup for sweetness.

Cover and let sit in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.

Top with your desired toppings before enjoying on the go.


Vegan protein bars

Vegan protein bars made with ingredients like nuts, seeds, and dates are a convenient and nutritious snack option for those on the go.

They are easy to make ahead of time and can be customized with your favorite flavors.

Here’s a simple recipe for homemade vegan protein bars:

In a food processor, combine 1 cup of nuts (such as almonds or cashews) with 1 cup of pitted dates.

Add in 1/4 cup of a protein powder of your choice (such as pea or hemp protein) and 1 tablespoon of nut butter.

Blend until well combined and the mixture sticks together when pressed between your fingers.

Press the mixture into a lined baking dish and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Cut into bars and store in an airtight container for a convenient and tasty on-the-go snack.


Write 3 short sentences about how roasted chickpes make a high protein vegan snack. No numbers.


Mini falafel bites

Mini falafel bites served with a yogurt-tahini dipping sauce make for a delicious and protein-packed snack option.

They are easy to make in advance and can be stored in the fridge or freezer.

Here’s a simple recipe for mini falafel bites:

In a food processor, combine 1 can of drained and rinsed chickpeas with 1/4 cup of chopped onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/4 cup of fresh parsley, and 2 tablespoons of flour.

Season with salt, pepper, and your choice of herbs and spices.

Pulse until well combined but still slightly chunky.

Roll the mixture into small balls and place on a lined baking sheet.

Bake at 375°F for about 20 minutes, flipping halfway through, until golden brown and crispy.

Serve with a dipping sauce made from 1/4 cup of plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons of tahini, and a squeeze of lemon juice.


Whole-grain crackers & vegan cheese

 Whole grain crackers topped with vegan cheese and sliced cucumbers make for a satisfying and protein-rich snack that can be easily packed for on-the-go munching.

Here’s a simple recipe for homemade vegan cheese:

In a blender, combine 1 cup of soaked cashews with 1/4 cup of nutritional yeast, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, and salt to taste.

Blend until smooth and creamy, adding a little bit of water if needed.

Spread the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Cut into slices and place on top of your favorite whole-grain crackers. Top with sliced cucumbers or any other veggies of your choice for a delicious and protein-packed snack.


Seaweed snacks

Seaweed snacks with added protein from chickpeas or edamame are a great option for those craving something salty and crunchy.

These snacks are also packed with essential minerals and vitamins, making them not only tasty but also nutritious.

Look for options that are low in sodium – in fact, I recommend buying entire bags of nori sheets rather than the small packages, which usually have added salt and oil.

They’re such a low-calorie, high-protein, nutritious snack that is sure to satify!


The bottom line

No more bland or unsatisfying snack options – these high-protein vegan treats will keep you fueled and feeling great throughout the day!

So swap out those processed snacks for these nutritious, plant-based alternatives and watch your energy levels soar.

Check back often for more helpful tips and delicious recipes to support your healthy lifestyle. 

Let’s thrive together on this journey towards better health.



high protein snacks for a vegan plant-based diet plan

Alex from Eat Those Plants
Alex from Eat Those Plants

My name is Alex and I'm a passionate advocate of a whole food plant-based lifestyle. Since losing over 40 pounds on a vegan diet I've created the Eat Those Plants website to help you look good and feel great by putting more plants on your plate!