13+ Wellness Shot Recipes For Overall Health & Wellbeing

Wellness shot recipes are a powerful way to boost your overall health and well-being. These quick, nutrient-packed shots can help increase energy levels, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system.

Plus, they’re easy to make and can be customized to suit your individual needs.

In this article, we’ll share 13+ delicious wellness shot recipes that you can incorporate into your daily routine.

So let’s raise a glass to good health and try out these amazing wellness shots!


detox wellness shots

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1- Ginger Spice Wellness Shot

This shot is perfect for boosting your immune system and fighting off colds and flu.
Simply blend a 2-inch piece of fresh ginger, half a lemon (peeled), and a dash of cayenne pepper.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties while lemon provides a dose of vitamin C and cayenne pepper helps boost metabolism.
Cheers to a stronger immune system!


ginger spice wellness shot recipe for immune systems and colds


2- Green Goodness Wellness Shot

This shot is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Blend half a cucumber (peeled), one stalk of celery, one handful of spinach, and half an apple.
Cucumber and celery are hydrating while spinach and apple provide essential nutrients.
Bottoms up for a refreshing and healthy boost!





3- Turmeric Tonic Wellness Shot

This shot is great for reducing inflammation and improving digestion.
Blend half an inch of fresh turmeric, half an inch of fresh ginger, half a lemon (peeled), and a sprinkle of black pepper.
Turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties while lemon helps with digestion and black pepper aids in the absorption of turmeric.
Say hello to a happy gut!


turmeric tonic wellness shot recipe



4- Energy Elixir Wellness Shot

Need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up? This shot is for you!
Blend half an apple, one carrot, half an inch of fresh ginger, and a handful of green grapes.
Apples are a great source of energy, while carrots provide beta-carotene for healthy skin and eyes. Ginger adds an energizing kick and the grapes add natural sweetness.
Sip on this elixir to power through your day!

wellness shot for energy


5- Beet Blast Wellness Shot

This shot is perfect for improving blood flow and boosting energy.
Blend half a beet, one carrot, half an inch of fresh ginger, and a handful of strawberries.
Beets are high in nitrates which help dilate blood vessels and improve circulation. Carrots provide beta-carotene while ginger adds a zingy flavor. The strawberries add natural sweetness and more nutrients to the mix.
Take a shot of this vibrant red elixir and feel the energy!




6- Pear Spice Wellness Shot

This shot is ideal for boosting the immune system and calming anxiety. 

Blend one pear, half an inch of fresh ginger, a handful of cranberries, and a pinch of cinnamon. 

Pears are rich in antioxidants that help protect from illnesses while promoting healthy skin. Ginger adds its unique flavor as well as anti-inflammatory properties to the mix. Cranberries provide vitamin C for overall immune health and the cinnamon adds warmth and depth. Enjoy this subtly sweet concoction for both taste and immunity! 


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7- Immunity Boost Wellness Shot

Give your immune system a boost with this powerful shot.
Blend half an apple, one carrot, half an inch of fresh ginger, and a handful of oranges.
Apples provide antioxidants while carrots add beta-carotene.
Ginger adds anti-inflammatory properties and oranges are packed with Vitamin C to keep your immune system strong.
Take this shot daily for added protection against random bugs that might be floating around!


RELATED: High-Protein Berry Smoothie Bowl (Vegan Breakfast On The Go)


8- Wellness Shot Recipe Without a Blender

Don’t have a blender? No problem! Try this simple yet effective wellness shot recipe.
Mix half an inch of fresh ginger juice, one teaspoon of honey or agave, and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Ginger provides anti-inflammatory properties while honey soothes the throat and lemon adds Vitamin C to boost immunity.
Take this shot whenever you’re feeling under the weather or need a quick pick-me-up


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9- Apple Cider Vinegar Wellness Shot Recipe

Looking for a wellness shot that will help with everything from digestion to weight loss? Try this homemade apple cider vinegar shot.
Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, half an inch of fresh ginger juice, cinnamon, and a teaspoon of honey or agave in warm water.
Apple cider vinegar aids in digestion, ginger provides anti-inflammatory properties and honey adds a touch of sweetness.
Drink this shot first thing in the morning for a healthy and energizing start to your day.

acv apple cider vinegar recipe

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10- Turmeric – Ginger – Carrot Wellness Shot 

Carrots aren’t just for rabbits! Try this tasty and beneficial carrot wellness shot.
Blend two carrots, half an inch of fresh ginger, half a lemon, and a pinch of turmeric.
Carrots add beta-carotene while ginger provides anti-inflammatory properties.
Lemon adds Vitamin C and aids in digestion while turmeric adds antioxidants to the mix.
Enjoy this shot as a morning pick-me-up or after a workout for a quick boost of nutrients.


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11- Wellness Shot Recipe For Digestion

Digestive issues bugging you lately?
Try this soothing and effective wellness shot.
Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, half an inch of fresh ginger juice, and a teaspoon of peppermint extract in warm water.
Apple cider vinegar aids in digestion while ginger provides anti-inflammatory properties and peppermint soothes the stomach.
Drink this shot after a heavy meal or when experiencing bloating or stomach discomfort.




12- Wheatgrass Wellness Shot Recipe

This is probably the simplest, easiest wellness shot of all as it only has one ingredient – wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass is a powerful superfood that provides numerous health benefits.
It contains high levels of chlorophyll, which helps increase oxygen in the body and boost energy levels.
It also has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.
Drink a shot of wheatgrass every morning on an empty stomach for maximum benefits.

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13- Pineapple-Citrus Wellness Shot Recipe

This tropical-inspired shot is not only delicious but also provides a boost of Vitamin C and anti-inflammatory benefits.
Blend half an inch of fresh turmeric, half an inch of fresh ginger, one small orange (peeled), half a cup of pineapple chunks, and a handful of cilantro.
Turmeric and ginger provide anti-inflammatory properties while oranges and pineapples provide Vitamin C for immune support.
Cilantro adds a refreshing flavor and also aids in detoxifying the body.
Drink this wellness shot to start your day off with a burst of tropical goodness and health benefits.


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The Bottom Line

Incorporating wellness shots into your daily routine is a simple and effective way to improve your overall health.
Experiment with different recipes and ingredients to find the ones that work best for you.
Remember to always use fresh, organic ingredients for maximum benefits.
Cheers to a healthier and happier you!


homemade wellness shots recipes

Alex from Eat Those Plants
Alex from Eat Those Plants

My name is Alex and I'm a passionate advocate of a whole food plant-based lifestyle. Since losing over 40 pounds on a vegan diet I've created the Eat Those Plants website to help you look good and feel great by putting more plants on your plate!